Of Feather & Forest
While working on this drawing, I ruminated on the future of this beautiful and delicate species that has been so compromised by destructive human activity.
The old growth habitat the Northern Spotted owl (NoSpo) thrives in has all but vanished, and more adaptable species have infiltrated their land. The survival of this humble little owl and its important role in the food chain of ancient forests is now dependent on the decisions humanity makes from here on out regarding land usage rights, logging laws, and restoration plans. It’s up to us to know, to care, enough to protect this species now
And oh, how precarious is the walk along the wire between the human head and the human heart.
The NoSpo may very well already be condemned to extinction. The scientifically-trained biologist side of me more or less believes that. But the tender side, the deep- down-in-my-naively-romantic-gut side, believes that right now, RIGHT NOW, any positive steps we take toward habitat restoration, rewilding, and wildlife rehabilitation will be helpful in the long run.
Like I said, the science brain tells my romantic heart of its romanticism. But both views are valid, and both views sing of boundless hope for a brighter future.
Graphite on cotton paper
Private Collection